
I'm on my second year at TCC, i don't know yet what I am what I'm goin for, just knockin out the basics for now and jugglin a few different ideas. If it wasn't for a few friends and of course my family, i probably wouldn't have learned to just live my life and to not let others judge me and for me to just be me. I am a hard worker and have been workin all my life, and I'm a smart person when i want to be. ;P I am greatly blessed for my life and am looking forward to what The Lord has in store for my future.

Jesus My Lord and Savior, Baseball, Association football, Basketball, Movies, Hangin Out With My Bud
Arlington, Texas, United States
Food and Beverage Manager, 3rd year, Advanced each


  1. 50

    1 Year old and Still Going!

    You've been on this forum 1 year, and you're still going strong! Keep it up!