M-Experiment lunch meet up

Some of the pics of the Zach custom Business I won at the lunch:

Remembering a few more things discussed:

1) One of Jamins favorite frames from when he was 15 is the Eye Jacket. He passed them out to his friends.

2) While with Oakley Jamin worked on some of the Frogskin collaborations.

3) No brick and mortar stores anytime soon for M-Experiment, if at all. Jamin currently likes the on-line method and will probably stick with that.

4) Jim Jannard isn’t actually designing any frames himself. He will get a design created by others and make changes and other suggestions to make it better. Jim Jannard lives in Vietnam and rarely comes to the U.S. anymore so meetings are usually Zoom meetings.

Updated my Jannard shelf with some of the things I got yesterday:


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