Poem for Oakley


Oakley Beginner
Our body wants something to do cool
Another dream moved with a care.
Key for a life of adventures full
Lot on that is given of comfort but a little dare.
Anything we knows are champions, andrenaline its a fuel
Yesterday find outed this victory, that is be who you are.

Luigi Alves Bortoloto

I may have made a mistake when writing this poem because I have experience in writing in my language with perfect meter and rhymes which are very difficult in your language, but I am learning and developing in a better way.autonomous. Comment my mistakes if you can!!
É um belo poema, mas acho que você o entendeu. A área errada. Isto é para a marca M-Experiment, não para Oakley.
Ahhhh I'm new to Oakley products... On Brazilian clothing websites I had seen that it was a collection used by K.M. to say that we are champions even off the field. And I'm loving my performance clothes for my cross country pedals in the mountains in my region, I'm going to compete in April all of O hehehe, but it's a shame that in my country they vandalize the brand and falsifies as a form of ostentation. Thank you for commenting, and explaining to me what was best, my dear! Cheer for me April 14 yeahh
This is a good one and it rhymes
“Lux SUX”
This might be the gayest thing I’ve read on this forum
But thanks for opnion to me... I just posted with intention of say something I did in a place where there are people who have the same product, I have the DRT, the bretelle, the gloves and the Sutro S, which was a specification on this site because it was glasses, so whether it was gay or I don't know, it's my problem, but thanks for your opinion Because you must know a lot about this, this website, glasses, Oakley itself and gays, to have the scientific knowledge of something to say with all the forces in the universe, you have to be that think like a homosexual with a pink radar and cycling on those beaches or running even if you don't want anything. And yes, that was really gay HAHAHAHAHA Sorry people, or people Sorry

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